Programs & Projects
There is no shortage of pressing needs in the world, ranging from personal health care disparities to environmental challenges that impact people in every corner of the globe. The Compass Rose Society is finding ways to address these issues and improve lives.
Originally established in 1965 as a home for children with physical disabilities – mainly polio and resulting paralysis – is has evolved into an organization dedicated to more broadly meeting the needs of children with disabilities and their families.
Incorporated into the Diocese of Cape Coast, the Christ Church Anglican Basic School is one of 62 primary schools, 74 junior secondary schools and 54 day nurseries – all with pressing needs. The school has received one of the Society’s donations to the diocese.
In Ghana, there are roughly 300 eye care professionals to serve 25 million citizens. Limited personnel would be only one of the challenges. The Compass Rose Society formed a group of members to examine how to help fund repairs of the clinic’s roof and purchase up-to-date equipment.
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa (SA, Lesotho, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique and Swaziland) has been working to combat climate change and environmental degradation through the Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network known as Green Anglicans.