Our Mission
The Compass Rose Society supports the programs and ministries of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), the organization that sets the goals and direction for the Communion.
The Society helps the ACC in three important ways - raising funds, mission projects and building community.
Our History
The Compass Rose Society takes its name from the symbol of the Anglican Communion: a mariner's compass representing the spread of the gospel to all its points around the world. The Society was formed so that parishes, dioceses, provinces, and other Communion related organizations throughout the world could join in providing financial support for the Communion's work.
The Society began following a 1994 mission visit by Archbishop George Carey to the war-ravaged Province of the Sudan, a country then largely forgotten by the media and the world. When he returned home, the Archbishop felt strongly that the desperate story of the Sudanese people needed to be told broadly and the Anglican Communion Office began to generate publicity. The office took these steps in faith as there were no funds budgeted to communicate the Sudanese story. But the response from the global Anglican family, both in prayer and in financial support, was positive. The hardships facing the provinces of the Communion are often unknown to the world at large. But in the Sudan, the Anglican Communion Office offered, for the first time, hands-on communication support to a province in need. Out the challenges in the Sudan, the Compass Rose Society was formed to continue to fund the work of the Anglican Communion Office.
Raising Funds
We raise funds for the ministries of the ACC, which include mission and evangelism, communications, ecumenical relations and administration and finance. These funds are generated through new memberships, annual gifts from existing members, and earnings from a growing endowment fund that will secure future funding for specific programs of the Communion.
Mission Projects
We designate contributions for mission projects approved by the secretary general of the ACC. These projects are often connected with visits by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the secretary general, or members of the Compass Rose Society.
Building Community
Anglicans that enthusiastically support the mission and ministry of the archbishop and the ACC. Members participate in the Society's annual meeting, Communion visits, and endorse mission initiatives of parishes and individuals that help spiritually strengthen the Communion. These provide volunteer service and humanitarian service in areas where they are needed.